Rio de Dinero

The discussion in this blog is about multiple streams of passive income in real estate, stocks, stock options, bonds, internet business, and any other investment or opportunity that will help me, and my readers reach the ultimate goal of being financially independent.
So you ask what is Rio de dinero? Rio is a river, dinero is money, with that in mind lets make rivers of money not just streams.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Enough of the snow already

 Whoever made the song, "Let it snow," didn't have to shovel the stuff.  Two days of snow, enough already! I shoveled twice yesterday, and twice today; luckily my neigbhor plowed for me towards the end of my last shift.  All of this shoveling has made me reflect, and revel in my accomplishment.  I was the only one on the block going it alone with my shovel.  I was the first one out there, and the last one to finish.  It made me proud to know that I fought the elements and won.  It makes me think, did the great Warren Buffett have such a work ethic?  I am reading his biography Snowball.  I highly recommend it, it demonstrates what the rich do that others don't do.  Another thing I thought about as I was going through my records is that I have had progress, that is in reference to my net worth.  I have grown a lot in ten years.  I am really looking forward to reaching, and accomplishing my goals for the next ten years.  Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Last week my lesson was on adjectives in Spanish.  The kids really did a nice job describing themselves.  I had them do a fun activity where they had to at least use three adjectives to describe a friend.  In one class there was an odd number, and for some reason one student got my name.  The second grader desribed me as, "El es alto, bueno, y simpatico." (He is tall, good, and nice.)  I know that I am good and nice, but no one in my life has ever called me tall.  At 5'8 and 3/4" I always considered myself of average height.  As I laughed about this surprising comment, the student said as a matter of a fact, "Well you are taller than all of us."  That is when it all came together for me, in the eyes of the children I am tall.  So in my mind I have to picture the same image, I am tall, healthy, wealthy, and unstoppable.  As Joel Osteen says I have to change the recording in my head to one that is more positive, and that is more conducive to helping me reach my goals.  Remember people it is perspective, and how others think about you, but more importantly what is your own self concept.  Keep thinking positive thoughts, constructive thoughts, and you will achieve all of your goals!

Monday, February 15, 2010

212 degree attitude

Enjoy this positive, free, inspirational video presentation by

All it takes is that little extra effort to reach your goals, as Brian Tracy says "there are no traffic jams on the extra mile."

Monday, February 8, 2010

Papa where are you going?

My three year old son asks me this every morning that I get ready for work.  I know that one day soon I will say to him, "I'm going to mind my business."  Meaning that I am not going to get up to work for someone else.  I will be working for myself, and for the benefit of my family.  Later on in life, when my son is a teenager, if he still asks me this question, I'll reply, "Where do you want to go son, there are many opportunities out there today."  Financial independence by age 50, here we come destiny!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Think and Grow Rich

I feel like another list coming on.  Hey, these are good things!  They are inspirational words from successful people.  This comes from the "grandfather" of all financial wealth books, Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.  His study of the principles of the rich and prosperous is timeless.  Here are his 13 principles:

1.  Desire
2.  Faith
3.  Auto-suggestion
4.  Specialized Knowledge
5.  Imagination
6.  Decision
7.  Organized Planning
8.  Persistence
9.  Power of the Mastermind group
10.  Mystery of Transmutation
11.  The Brain
12.  Subconcious mind
13.  Sixth sense

Think and Grow Rich!  Believe first, and then you will achieve.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Brian Tracy's 21 Rules of Success

I love listening to audio cds in my car, especially those that are positive, spiritual, and motivational.  I came across, and author that I thought was a good speaker, and an inspirational speaker.  He was talking about success, and the rules of success.
Here they are, hope many blessings and successes on to you:

1.  Dream Big  2.  Do what you love to do!  3.  Commit to excellence  4.  Develop unique talents and abilities.  5.  Accept full responsibility.  6.  Develop a clear sense of direction.  7.  Refuse to consider possiblity of failure.  8.  Dedicate yourself to lifelong learning. 9.  Develop workaholic mentality.  10.  Get around the right people.  11.  Be prepared to climb from peak to peak.  12.  Develop resilence.  13.  Unlock inborn creativity.  14.  Become an unshakable optimist.  15.  Dedicate to serving others.  16.  Develop a reputation for speed and dependability.  17.  Be honest with yourself and others.  18.  Concentrate on 1 thing at a time.  19.  Be decisive.  20.  Practice courage and persistance.  21.  Learn from experts.

For more information, check out Mr. Tracy's website:

Are you ready for success?  Let's do it, follow all 21 rules.

God bless, and much abundance to you and your loved ones!