Rio de Dinero

The discussion in this blog is about multiple streams of passive income in real estate, stocks, stock options, bonds, internet business, and any other investment or opportunity that will help me, and my readers reach the ultimate goal of being financially independent.
So you ask what is Rio de dinero? Rio is a river, dinero is money, with that in mind lets make rivers of money not just streams.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Brian Tracy's 21 Rules of Success

I love listening to audio cds in my car, especially those that are positive, spiritual, and motivational.  I came across, and author that I thought was a good speaker, and an inspirational speaker.  He was talking about success, and the rules of success.
Here they are, hope many blessings and successes on to you:

1.  Dream Big  2.  Do what you love to do!  3.  Commit to excellence  4.  Develop unique talents and abilities.  5.  Accept full responsibility.  6.  Develop a clear sense of direction.  7.  Refuse to consider possiblity of failure.  8.  Dedicate yourself to lifelong learning. 9.  Develop workaholic mentality.  10.  Get around the right people.  11.  Be prepared to climb from peak to peak.  12.  Develop resilence.  13.  Unlock inborn creativity.  14.  Become an unshakable optimist.  15.  Dedicate to serving others.  16.  Develop a reputation for speed and dependability.  17.  Be honest with yourself and others.  18.  Concentrate on 1 thing at a time.  19.  Be decisive.  20.  Practice courage and persistance.  21.  Learn from experts.

For more information, check out Mr. Tracy's website:

Are you ready for success?  Let's do it, follow all 21 rules.

God bless, and much abundance to you and your loved ones!

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